Coaching Testimonials

ILANA: Former Beauty Editor, Current Mom

Faolan, you’ve been the best coach. You’ve changed everything for me. Our coaching, friendship, and just walking out our paths together has been the most unexpected surprise and gift of a lifetime. This journey has been more than I could have ever imagined or asked for and my gratitude and love for you is truly “beyond words.” I am forever honored to know you.”

LUKE: Founder
“When I started working with you, I was in a job I hated, in a relationship that I felt confused by, in a living situation that wasn't ideal. As a direct result of feeling empowered by working with you, my life looks infinitely better. I have a job I love, a living situation that inspires me, and SO much more self-confidence.

Your ability to see my perspective and meet me where I'm at has truly changed my life. I feel like you almost always see where I'm coming from, and being "seen" by you has helped me to feel more care and empathy for myself”

DAVID: Poet + Podcast Host
“I have more confidence in myself and my own capabilities since working with Faolan. I feel more worthy, more in control, and more optimistic than ever about the future. He's helped me identify my limiting beliefs and to continuously challenge those limiting beliefs. I'm no longer afraid of dreaming bigger because I have the confidence and belief in myself to be worthy of bigger dreams.”

MEGAN: Field Engineer

“I have more Self Love and Appreciation. I Let go of physical and mental anxiety. I trust in the future/process. I’m grateful for the good things. I’m authentically myself in all aspects of my life, not just where I feel 100% safe to be. I have an increased self alignment/ability to be honest with myself. I have hope and clarity regarding next steps. Overall, I’m more joyful, present, and happy. Everyone around me has noticed the difference.”

EMILY: Product Manager

“Working with you is more helpful than therapy.”