The Future of Personal Growth
Over the last five years, I’ve explored many healing modalities, and all have their benefits. But one thing in particular has stood out as revolutionary. In a world where we often fall prey to living lives based on the expectations of our parents, society, or some abstract and undefined notion of success, anything that can give us a direct and personal experience of our deepest self is valuable. For me, there’s been nothing that’s connected me to who I really am more than psychedelics.
For a long time, I felt scared to speak up about my journey with these substances because it’s taboo, because I didn’t want to discourage people from working with me, because (like all of us), I’m scared to be different. But recently, as I’ve worked with more and more clients, I’ve realized that these substances really could hold the key to changing everything for humanity, and I want to be a part of bringing that change; I want to be a part of the healing revolution. So, here I am, making a stand for the safe and ethical use of psychedelics, and for the exploration of what that means.
Below I’ve linked some introductory materials around the history of psychedelics and how they could potentially be used to cure addictions, help people recover from depression, and most importantly for me, bring us to a higher level of collective and independent consciousness. Life isn’t about being “okay” or “fine,” it’s about LIVING, and psychedelics help me do that. Maybe they’d help you too.
Introductory Resources
Michael Pollan on the Tim Ferriss Show
Psychedelia: The History and Science of Mystical Experience
Fantastic Fungi
The Mind Explained: Psychedelics
Have a Good Trip: An Adventure in Psychedelics
How to Change Your Mind