Are you living
your dream?

Coaching with me is about letting go of shoulds, expectations, and pressures coming from outside you

- so you can -

Embrace and embody the life of inner intention, authenticity, and peace you’ve always wanted.

Before you read testimonials and learn more about what
I offer as a coach, I want you to read my story.

You might see yourself in pieces of it:
In the pain of not living the life you know deep down you want,
In the darkness of avoiding your own intuition,
In the fear of setting out on your own path.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned:

Your life is made for you to author.
It’s your story; no one else’s.

By slowing down and letting go of “shoulds,” roles, and expectations,
you open the door to write your own story, and to live your own life.

Interested in learning more? Reach out directly to me and tell me what you’re hanging out with in life.

Want to learn more first? Great! Read on!

My story

At 19 years old, I found myself in the midst of a quarter life crisis. Before you laugh and ask how a 19 year old could be going through a “crisis,” hear me out. It was late at night and I was having a panic attack, sitting on top of some monkey bars at my college campus. This thought kept coming into my head: “Why am I alive?” Over an over again it came to me and over and over again I didn’t have a good answer. I didn’t know. All I knew was that I’d been doing what I’d been told to do, what I thought would make people happy, what society expected me to do… what I should do. In that moment, I realized that I wasn’t happy with my life. “If this is it, what’s the point?” That was the thought that got me started.

About a month later I was lying in my hammock finishing a book called The Happiness of Pursuit about how humans go on big quests to find fulfillment. I started to sob. At the time, I was living a life entirely based around “shoulds.” I was an RA because I was supposed to be responsible, I was taking seven classes because I was supposed to be high-achieving, I drank and hooked up with people I didn’t know because society told me that was “cool.” In every way, I was living a life that had been built for me, not BY ME. In that moment, I decided to quit my job, withdraw from school, and backpack in Southeast Asia. I decided to create my own life, follow my own dreams, and live the way I wanted to.

Over the next FIVE years (note: it takes a LONG time to change everything about the way you live, and that’s okay because life is long!) I went through the lowest lows yet, facing the desire to die, and the highest highs, which surprisingly came not from the grand achievements:

~ Publishing a book ~
~ Traveling the world ~
~ Signing $20,000 clients ~

But from the little things and the impact:

~ Witnessing wind and sun dance with leaves ~
~ My book giving someone words to describe their life experience for the first time ~
~ Helping clients let go of negative lives to embrace their majesty ~

I’ve realized that the real joys of life don’t come from what society tells us they do. It’s not about how much money you make, how big your house is, how attractive you or significant other is. It’s not about making your parents proud. It’s not about having a “good” job. It’s not about being productive or efficient.

It’s about being you!! It’s about being here with what is. It’s about serving the world in ways that only you can. It’s about loving your life, the pain and the joy. It’s about being real and honest. It’s about feeling; feeling alive, feeling emotion, feeling at all. It’s about living each moment the way you’d want to if you were looking back from your death bed.

People have told me that they feel safe with me, to share how they’re really doing, to open up about their dreams. A shocking number of clients have told me that working with me has been way more helpful than therapy, including one who was in therapy for TWELVE years. One client even said that my super power is intuitively bringing the best out of people.

If I didn’t think that I could actually help people, I would have changed careers a while ago. It’s my clients who help me believe in myself. Because I’ll be honest with you: I’m human, too, and when I’m going through a dark time in life, sometimes I wonder if I’m cut out to be a coach, or an author, or an entrepreneur.

What I’ve realized, with the help of mentors, clients, and loved ones is that it’s not perfection that qualifies a coach, but a genuine acceptance of the realness of life. It’s about admitting that I’m not perfect, but that I care deeply about helping you love your life. I’ve been at the pits of despair, and I’ve seen the peaks of euphoria. What I’m striving for in my own life now is a sense of genuine fulfillment, peace, and joy, not from chasing highs or avoiding lows, but from surrendering to my callings, to the things that I’m being asked to do. Through giving my life over to my calling to serve the world, I find that I’m already where I’ve always been trying to get.

So, yes, I would love to serve you. If you’re not where you want to be, if you’re struggling to feel confident in yourself, if you’re lost, stuck, or just depressed, I’m here for you. My pain, my suffering, my darkness informs my purpose every day. I love my work because I have the true privilege of accompanying and supporting people on their journeys to create powerful transformation and change. That matters to me. You matter to me because you matter to the world, whether you know it or not.

If you’re here, reading these words, it means that you’re ready for something more. You wouldn’t have finished reading this if you weren’t.

Client Testimonials


Faolan, you’ve been the best coach. You’ve changed everything for me. Our coaching, friendship, and just walking out our paths together has been the most unexpected surprise and gift of a lifetime. This journey has been more than I could have ever imagined or asked for and my gratitude and love for you is truly “beyond words.” I am forever honored to know you.”

LUKE: Account Relationship Manager turned Barista
“When I started working with you, I was in a job I hated, in a relationship that I felt confused by, in a living situation that wasn't ideal. As a direct result of feeling empowered by working with you, my life looks infinitely better. I have a job I love, a living situation that inspires me, and SO much more self-confidence.

Your ability to see my perspective and meet me where I'm at has truly changed my life. I feel like you almost always see where I'm coming from, and being "seen" by you has helped me to feel more care and empathy for myself.”

DAVID: Sales Manager turned Poet + Podcast Host
“I have more confidence in myself and my own capabilities since working with Faolan. I feel more worthy, more in control, and more optimistic than ever about the future. He's helped me identify my limiting beliefs and to continuously challenge those limiting beliefs. I'm no longer afraid of dreaming bigger because I have the confidence and belief in myself to be worthy of bigger dreams.”

MEGAN: Field Engineer

“I have more Self Love and Appreciation. I Let go of physical and mental anxiety. I trust in the future/process. I’m grateful for the good things. I’m authentically myself in all aspects of my life, not just where I feel 100% safe to be. I have an increased self alignment/ability to be honest with myself. I have hope and clarity regarding next steps. Overall, I’m more joyful, present, and happy. Everyone around me has noticed the difference.”

EMILY: Product Manager

“Working with you is more helpful than therapy.”

Coaching Structure

I offer a few different ways to work together. Before I name those, there are certain things that are true about all coaching I do:

The purpose of coaching with me is to unveil and unleash your deepest and most real self, no matter who that is or what change it brings to your life. It’s hard; it takes courage. You can do it.
Coaching is a co-created container. We build your package together based on if we want to work together and what price/timing makes sense for the specific needs you have. (Most clients pay between 100-200 dollars an hour.)
No matter where you are in life, I’m confident that if you want to change, I can help you get where you want to go. I’ve worked with clients from ages 19 to 73 on every area of life and they’ve all benefited from coaching.

So, the three general categories of service I offer are as follow:

  1. Individual one-on-on coaching

  2. Group Coaching and retreats (join the waitlist for my 2023 program here)

  3. Workshops and speaking for organizations

My Mindset about Coaching

I believe that everything in life, and thus life coaching, falls into four buckets:

  1. Relationship to self: Mindset, inner voices, confidence, emotional and physical wellness, etc.

  2. Relationship to others: Friends, family, significant others, communication, community, etc.

  3. Relationship to world: Vocation, career, service, calling etc.

  4. Relationship to Divine: Spirituality, meaning, peace.

Throughout coaching, we will explore these four areas together and how they interconnect to figure out how you would like to change and grow in each. This is the basic framework I use in coaching and in my own life.

If you have questions, feel free to email me below.

If you’re not feeling ready for coaching yet, follow along on my journey to recieve my present day thoughts and stories. You can follow me on Instagram, through my newsletter, or on Tik Tok. Hope to connect soon!

 “I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.”

- Muriel Strode