Men’s Circle

Unleash your true freedom together.

Men’s Work:

The relentless devotion to being your most powerful, free, and intentional self for the purpose of serving your soul, your family, your communities, and the world.

Men’s work is communal. Many men self-isolate and feel alone.

But this work can’t be done alone. We get to do it together.

Why Now?

Since fire was found, men met around the pit while hunting, at war, or just in their villages.
They talked. They shared. They listened. We don’t have this space anymore.

And, we are in a chapter where we are being pushed beyond our limits.

Many of the lessons we were taught about what success means as a man are actually inhibiting our ability to show up as successful leaders, partners, lovers, fathers, brothers, and friends. For example:

  1. Staying strong and hard to overcome life actually stops us from receiving or giving deep love, and feeling connected.

  2. Pretending to be okay when we’re not makes us feel alone even when we’re surrounded by people because they aren’t able to get what we’re going through.

  3. Striving for future achievement makes us miss how good life can be right now.

Who are You?

  1. Have you built a highly “successful” life, but you’re not really happy inside?

  2. Does your partner want to feel more connected or safe, but you don’t know how?

  3. Do you feel like you should be confident, but actually you’re afraid?

  4. Are you capable of taking action, but nothing you DO seems to help you FEEL better?

  5. Do you numb your emotions with alcohol, porn, work, sex, exercise, or other compulsive behaviors?

So many of my clients have achieved incredible results in their lives, but are missing themselves. They’ve done the work to check all the boxes, and in the process, missed their own potential to be who they are. Is that you?

What’s Possible?

Men who do this work discover more wild, free, and powerful selves.

I’ve seen them switch careers, end misaligned relationships, share their deepest truths, have emotional breakthroughs, develop discipline, courage, and decisiveness, and align with their inner callings and paths.

But most of all, they no longer feel alone. So many men struggle quietly. This is ultimately what this space is for. Just being seen and heard by a group of men can feel so healing and empowering.

What am I offering?

This is a space for you to connect with other highly successful men who feel the same way you feel.

It’s a place where you can share what’s really going on without judgment.

This is not therapy. We’re not here to fix each other or be fixed, we’re here to be seen and heard by other men.

(If you’d rather do the work 1-2-1 with me, click here).

The Details - What you get

  1. Twice a month, we will gather virtually in small groups of 6-8 men for two hours. These calls will be structured to offer each man a chance to share what they’re going through.

  2. Access to a monthly speaker series and Q&A with leaders in the personal development world.

  3. Weekly journal questions to help you dive more deeply into who you want to be and what’s going to get you there.

  4. Support inside a custom WhatsApp channel with your group.

  5. Monthly check in coaching calls with me.

What’s it cost?

To start, just 10 dollars.

I firmly believe that every man should try a men’s circle. So I want to make this accessible to anyone.
(If you can’t afford 10 dollars, please email me.)

Once you come, if you find it valuable, there will be a monthly investment cost tailored by us to your specific situation.

There’s no risk in trying something which could change your life forever.

Who am I? Read my story here.