Group Coaching

Jan 1 - Dec 31 2023

Purpose: to light up your life, find community, and make this the beginning of the rest of your life.

Why I made this:

Individual coaching is expensive. It costs each client 3,000+ to work with me. It’s effective, but cost-prohibitive. I wanted to create something I could offer to those of you who might want coaching, but who can’t afford to pay for 1-on-1 coaching.

What is it?

Light up Your Life is a program designed specifically to bring more meaning, joy, and authenticity to your life by cultivating a sense of awareness, acceptance, and a willingness to act. Each month in 2023 we will look at a different area of your life. By the end of the year, you’ll be living a life closer to what you’ve always wanted, guaranteed by a 100% money back. I believe your life will forever be changed through this program.

Who is it for?

If you’re on this page, it’s probably for you. You came here for a reason. Honestly, this program could help anyone. Unless you’re 100% satisfied with every part of your life, then I promise this will help you. Again, if it doesn’t, you can always get your money back at the end.
Specifically, it’s for anyone who wants more from life, anyone who feels dissatisfied with any piece of what they’re going through, anyone who feels like there’s something more out there waiting for them.

Who is it not for?

This program is ONLY for people who want to invest the time, effort, and money in making profound changes in their lives. If you’re looking for a quick and easy fix, this program is not for you. Coaching is what you put into it. The more honestly and courageously you show up, the more it will help you. That being said, if you honestly don’t love your life right now, then having the courage to invest in coaching is THE best first step you can take. This is a chance to not fall prey to the same things that have dragged you down before. Take a stand for who you want to be NOW.

How much does it cost?

2,000 dollars paid up front for the whole year or 200$/month for 12 months. Let me tell you, that’s a steal. At just 166 (or 200) dollars a month, that’s 300% less than it costs to do 1-on-1 coaching, but you get all the same resources, meditations, and journal prompts. And, you get a community to share the journey with.
That being said, if this cost is prohibitive to you and you deeply feel called to embark on this journey, reach out to me and let me know why you want to do the program. While I do need to make an income, my priority is impact. If you want in, let’s talk.

Why is it a whole year?

When I was designing this program, I wondered if a year would be too long, if people would stop coming. But what I realized is that it’s taken me a lifetime to become who I am and every year counts. If I can support you for a whole YEAR to become who you want to be, then there’s no way it doesn’t work. We’ll go through all kinds of highs and lows together as a community, we’ll hold space for each other, and we’ll build some lifetime friendships. At the end of a year, I’ll bet none of us will want to end the group. Let’s see what happens.